A fad or a revolution?

Mit dem im Jahr 1784 erfundenen mechanischen Webstuhl ist der Startschuss für die erste industrielle Revolution erfolgt. Rund 100 Jahre später wurde diese mechanische Produktion, betrieben durch Wasser und Dampf, von der Massenproduktion weitgehend abgelöst. Elektrizität und Verbrennungsmotoren bildeten die Grundlage für diese zweite industriellen Revolution. Elektronik, IT und Industrieroboter automatisierten die Produktionsprozesse in den 70er Jahren, was der Beginn der 3-ten Revolution darstellte.  

Da die digitale Transformation auf einem fortlaufenden «technologischen» Wandel begründet ist, kann von einer digitalen Revolution gesprochen werden. Dieser digitale Wandel wird seit 2015 als «Industry 4.0» bezeichnet.  

Die Verwertungspotentiale dieser digitalen Technologien ermöglichen neue digitale Wertschöpfungsnetzwerke und neue digitale Geschäftsmodelle (Hoffmeister and von Borcke, 2014).   Doch aufgepasst, Strategien von innen nach aussen führen zur Effizienzfalle. 

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Why is Fintech, Regtech, Proptech and Accountech more than a new Product or Service?

Considering that such Innovations belonged to the Industry 4.0

As Dipak C. Jain stated: “When innovation is defined only as a new product or service, this view ignores a larger, integrated process that must function seamlessly for optimal value creation.” (Keeley et al., 2013).

Accountech, fintech, proptech, and regtech, for example, need each other to take innovations to the next level. Before an idea can take off, the market must be ripe for such a challenge. In some cases, crises trigger the consumers› nerve, in other ways regulations doesn’t match the markets› possibilities.

Therefore, future innovations depend not only on the technology development; it also seeks some freedom from regulation frameworks as well as the consumer experiences. This means that every innovation process needs to address technical change as well as the regulatory framework. It’s essential to understand the regulation/technology linkages (OECD, 1997, Motohashi and Nezu, 1997).


Why Partnership between Fintech & Banks doesn't work on early stage

Why Partnership between Fintech & Banks doesn’t work on early stage

The Role and Motivation of Corporate incubators in Fostering Innovation

There are several tools available for entrepreneurs in start-ups and small corporations to raise their idea or product. Such tools are (a) incubator, (b) accelerator and (c) corporate venture capital.

Incubator (a) it’s the seed with soil for plating, whereas (b) accelerator is already a little plant to grow (Gaskell, 2016). As shown in this example, accelerator is more an advanced idea that needs a push up. Thus, (b) is a time-defined program. On the other hand, since an incubator may even isn’t plant yet, it needs more developing time. Thus, (a) is not time sensitive. (c) is simply equity investments, which could include mentorship as well as partnership (Brigl et al., 2017).


(a) Why digital strategies fail? (b) Why did Nokia fail?

Wrong question, you’d ask: “What did others right?”

To the question (b) “the Nokia case” everybody will give you straight an answer, whereas question (a) isn’t that clear, is it?

We can hardly blame Nokia because of – Steve Jobs – who built a phone without a keyboard and with the idea of selling apps on his platform. Neither for Google’s decision to buy Android and spread their product (OS software) into the market for free. But you’d blame your self if you cannot see the connection between these cases and your digital strategy.